TALITHA KOUMI depends solely on donations from individuals or companies in order to combat the sex trafficking of underage young women in Indonesia.

You can get involved in 2 ways with us:

1- You can make a one-time donation. To do this, simply click on the DONATE tab and voila! If you don’t want to go through Canadon, you can make an interac transfer at info@talithakoumi.org.

2- You can get involved for a full year with a young girl. You can write to her twice a year to receive news . This kind of involvement requires a one-year commitment on your part at the rate of $50 CAD per month. This is what it costs to educate a young girl in Indonesia and it is the most effective way to prevent prostitution among underage girls.

To do this, you must necessarily go through Canadon and indicate, in the Message area, the name of the girl you wish to sponsor. As soon as Talitha Koumi begins to receive your monthly donation, we will send you a card like the one below with instructions for your sponsorship.

Thank you for considering a long term commitment with us!